Team Logo Funk Running Utrecht
Sander S. 425.36 km
Wijnand v. 378.14 km
Toine V. 366.18 km
Michael G. 340.88 km
Vincent v. 254.69 km
Nadine C. 235.42 km
Jaap N. 218.69 km
Fleur N. 218.50 km
Rowan v. 141.00 km
Laura M. 137.03 km
Bas O. 100.78 km
Sophie S. 90.39 km
Ellen B. 87.47 km
Emil J. 56.13 km
Bart v. 0.00 km
nadine c. 0.00 km
Legend: ⭐ Represents the user count contributing to the overall crew score