The activities are updated in real time. As soon as the activity is available on Strava, we import it for the leaderboard.
If you don't see your run, check the following points:

  • Is the run available on your user profile (Memberlist > Crew > Your Name)?
  • Yes!
    • Nice, we don't have a problem, but your run does not match with the rules.
  • No!
    • It appears there may be a permission issue. Please attempt to sign up again, ensuring that you have checked all checkboxes. Your run should be captured with the upcoming full update.

If your run fails to appear within 24 hours, please contact us via Discord. Share your Strava profile link for prompt assistance.

This information is provided through Strava. If you find a mistake, update your profile on Strava and press the "Connect with Strava" button in the navigation again. This will update your data.

The own crew or the personal goal can be changed via the user settings. To access the setting, simply click on the "Connect with Strava" button and then click on your username in the menu.

The activity can simply be deleted on Strava and then it will also be deleted here.

The January Battle ends on 31.01.2025 at 23:59:59, and we consider your local time zone.

You can contact us via Discord.
For quick help, please send your messages in English or German. In most cases, it is also very helpful if your message contains the link to your Strava profile.

If your runs aren't appearing in the toplist, it's likely because privacy mode is enabled on your Strava account.
To have your runs considered for the toplists, please follow these steps: